The Benefits of Brain Training
As you age you tend to not use your brain as much and this can lead to you feeling as though you are losing your memory, or that you just can’t concentrate anymore. The truth is that these things can be resolved by keeping your brain active.
Brain training games are extremely popular today and there is no shortage of websites that offer some type of brain training game or other. These games focus on specific areas of your brain. For example you may have trouble remembering number sequences or people’s names. By playing specific games these issues can be improved.
The benefits of playing brain games includes helping to improve your memory, your attention span and your focus. The games are designed to work in different ways.
For example if you have trouble with people’s names and faces you are helped by learning how to associate names with characteristics instead. For example if your Uncle Charlie smokes a pipe you connect a picture of a pipe in your head with his name. If you have trouble spelling you can learn how to sound out the name differently in order to remember it.
Other brain game benefits include taxing and stretching your brain. Your brain is capable of doing so much and most people only tap into and use a small portion of their brains.
A popular game is the Sudoku game. To play this game you need to use logic and to have patience. You basically need to enter a number from 1 to 9 in each column so that each row only contains one of each number. This really does stretch and tax your brain.
Other benefits include being able to think faster, remember birthdays and anniversaries and even just remembering the title of the movie you watched a couple of days ago.
Sometimes you don’t notice that you are becoming forgetful as you age. Most of the time you simply put it down to becoming older and this is not always the reason. Usually these signs mean that your brain needs a quick pick me up.
As well as improving your cognitive skills brain games can also help boost your self-esteem and confidence levels. Plus you are instilling a habit which will help keep your brain alert, sharp and active as you age. This can help stop the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
And check out my eBook! It’s designed as a 30 day challenge to improve your memory and brain health.
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Improving Memory & Brain Health – A 30 Day Challenge