The Stress Diminishing Benefits of Gardening Outdoors
Aside from the natural Vitamin D that you likely think of when enjoying outdoor gardening, there are other benefits of gardening outdoors which can diminish your stress levels and help you live a longer, healthier life. Vitamin D is produced in your body by sunlight and can help protect you from certain cancers and heart disease linked to stress. But, there are other elements in the activity of outdoor gardening that can plan an important part in exposing your body to beneficial vitamins and minerals. The exercise you get from gardening helps to increase your bone strength and provide you with a healthy immune system that’s better able to fight…
Tap Into Your Spiritual Side by Using Gardening to Alleviate Stress
Your spiritual nature is as important as your physical and mental state in your overall well-being. Whether or not you belong to an organized religion or belief system, you can tap into your spiritual side by using gardening to alleviate stress and allowing your mind to focus on something besides life’s many problems. Digging in the soil has the same effect on your mind as athletic activity. It’s now viewed by medical science as a way to get mental and spiritual therapy for those who are depressed. Verdant foliage, flowers, water, wildlife and smells all add to the harmonious nature of a garden and can have many healing effects when…
Use Gardening to Calm Your Senses
Gardening benefits your health and well-being in so many ways and appeals to all the senses. Many people are turning to “sensory” gardens to enjoy the stimulation you can get for touch, sight, smell and sound. It’s easy to achieve and satisfying to create. Today, many care facilities are using a sensory garden for their patients. A stroll through the features it offers can relax and calm patients – and studies indicate it helps those children with autism and other disabilities to better process their thoughts and actions. Planning a Stress Relieving Garden When choosing plants for a sensory garden, remember to design and choose the plants in the garden…