How to Overcome Negative Thinking
Many writers, preachers, and academics have touted the power of thinking positively. There is a giant industry built around self-help books and videos designed to teach us how to overcome negative thinking in order to build a more positive outcome in our lives. Alison Ledgerwood, a social psychologist at UCDavis, gives an insightful TED talk about the power of negative thinking. In numerous studies, she and her team found that negative thinking exerted an inordinate influence on the opinions and mood of participants. . She found that the negatives have a larger and longer lasting impact than the positives. Negatives tend to stick in our minds more than positives. Ledgerwood’s…
Boost Your Health with Positive Thinking
When most of us think about improving our health, we think about changing our diets, taking vitamin supplements and exercising. But did you know that you can boost your health with positive thinking? I’m not talking about some mysterious power that comes from your mind to influence the outside world, just the simple truth that how you think changes how you act. If you have 100 pounds you want to lose, it’s difficult to look on the bright side. You know it’s going to take awhile and getting started seems like a chore you don’t have the inner resolve for. With the power of positive thinking, you can learn to…